Covid 19 Self Declaration
Due to the ongoing and rapidly changing situation with the novel – coronavirus (COVID-19), the Velo Club Lincoln are requiring all participants taking part in their coaching activities to declare the following information.
If rider is under 16 years of age their parent or guardian must accept this declaration on behalf of the rider:
I hereby certify that I (or any immediate family member) have not within the last 14 days;
Tested positive or am / are presumptively positive with the Coronavirus or been identified as a potential carrier.
Experienced any symptoms commonly associated with the Coronavirus, for example Fever (38 ℃ or higher), Continuous cough, Breathlessness, Sore Throat, loss of taste or smell.
Been in any location either at home or abroad designated as a risk by the Government or Public Health England.
Been in direct or close contact with any person been identified as a carrier or potential carrier of the Coronavirus. (“Close contact” means being at a distance of less than one metre for more than 15 minutes.)
I will consent to my details being passed to Active Nation to enable them to record I have been on site and if required, to NHS for Track and Trace Purposes.
I acknowledge and accept that this declaration will be considered as my consent to record and store this declaration for the purpose of ensuring the safety of all persons that may encounter me during the activity.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Rider Covid 19 Code of Conduct
Self-assess - Don’t leave the house if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, and follow NHS Test and Trace procedures.
Be self-sufficient - Bring your own equipment and refreshments, as usual hire and catering facilities will be unavailable.
On arrival – Meet under the lamp post on the North West side of the running track
Maintain social distancing - Make sure you keep at least two metres from others before and after your coaching session – particularly in busy waiting areas.
Keep your hands clean - Wash and sanitise your hands regularly. Some sanitiser may be provided, but bring your own just in case.
During the activity
Listen to officials and volunteers
Make sure you’re present and attentive during any briefings, and follow any onsite instructions. If something doesn’t look right, report it.
Riders must practice good respiratory hygiene during the activity, no spitting, please don’t spit, and if you need to cough or sneeze please do so in a tissue or the crook of your elbow. Always throw used tissues in a bin. Dispose of your tissue responsibly and as soon as possible.
No shouting, evidence suggests that shouting increases the risk of transmission, so please communicate calmly.
Avoid sharing the like of water bottles and food and equipment
Exercise within your personal physical and technical limitations to try and avoid additional burden on the NHS and the first aiders present.
Parents and Spectators – Must not enter the coaching area and will be informed by the Coach as to where they can safely stand maintaining socially distanced guidelines.
On departure – Leave the coaching area as quickly and responsibly as possible taking all your belongings with you, do not socialize with other riders.
Have fun with no ranking points at stake, enjoy the activity and have fun!
Say thanks, we couldn’t enjoy our sport without the support of our event organisers, officials and volunteers – so say thanks!